All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness.
-Eckhart Tolle-

Let's go down the rabbit hole...

Friday, June 28, 2013

Whoot! I'm pumped!!

I just got back from my first night of walking my 5 miles!!! :D Yay! I actually did it! Came back and ate my apple and can of tune. I need to go get coffee in the morning, so I need to sleep. First day pictures coming soon!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Return: New Posts, New Diet Plan, New Drawings, New Beginings

Well here I am again :)

It's been a long time, no? I have a new undertaking that I'd like to start tonight/tomorrow. I have two new goals that I'd love to accomplish daily. The hardest part i think will be to upload the pictures regularly, but that's something that I can figure out. My new goals are as follows:

1. To try my hand at 'The Machinist' diet for at least 1 month (hopefully 2). That includes 1 apple, 1 can of tuna, coffee, and cigarettes per day. I'm going to couple that with going for at least a 5 mile walk a day with my dog. I've had abysmal self control as of late and I need to do something that can help me put the power back in my hands. I'm determined to show myself that I can do it. No bitching, whining, cheating, or giving up. I'M DOING IT.

2. My second goal is to complete at least one drawing a day. I'm doing this along with the diet as a way to give myself an outlet for my frustrations. I also see this as a way to further not only my artistic skills, but also document my mood and mentality while on the diet, aside from this blog.

So there you have it. I'll be sharing weekly photos of my progression on the diet, as well as daily posts of pictures (or every other day posts with 2 pictures) of my drawings or paintings. Even if there's no one out there who reads this, I think just putting forth the effort might help me in the long run.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Katie's Blog

Come check out my good friend Katie's new blog!

Also, she has an upcoming show called Monsters!!/event.php?eid=134454126575411&ref=ts